We interviewed 1000 picklers to find out why pickleball is so popular. Read on to learn why you should play.
For a sport that sounds likes its played in your pantry, pickleball is booming and we want to know why it’s attracted 36.5 million Americans. It’s popular because its fun, great exercise, and perfect for socializing with your buddies and family.
Interestingly, only 1% of people don’t think pickleball is that great, and cannot understand the hype. Since they are in the minority, we will leave them be and turn our attention to reasons beginner, intermediate and advanced picklers love pickleball. By the end of this article, I want you on the court enjoying the game as much as I and millions of other players do.
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Why Is Pickleball So Popular?
We asked our community why is pickleball so popular and the most common response was that it’s fun to play. You don’t need prior sporting experience to get onto the pickleball court and enjoy yourself, and our very own tester, Mariia, is a prime example of that. After her first one hour session, she was hooked and never looked back.
Exercise was the second reason our community gave for pickleball’s rise in popularity. It makes sense to me since I read a report from the Cleveland Clinic that suggested that pickleball improves heart and lung health and muscle and bone strength. Take that all the haters who think pickleball is a game for lazy individuals.
Socializing is the third most popular reason why our Community plays the sport pickleball. The doubles element is especially sociable as you team up with your buddy against other buddies and you have drinks and a meal after the game.

1. Pickleball Is Fun

Pickleball is competitive, sociable, and addictive, which makes it a fun racquet sport to play with your friends and family. It’s not the hardest sport to comprehend, even if you’ve never played other racquet sports. The rules are designed to curb aggressive play and make it more inviting for everyone.
The competitive element of the game increases entertainment and buddies battle it out on the court for bragging rights. Pickleball demands fast reflexes and challenges your hand-eye corordination. At first, you might mishit a few shots, but the fun starts when you and your competitors can rally like a PPA pro.
Of the thousand interviewees, over 25% stated having fun was the predominant reason for playing pickleball. This was all the convincing I needed to try pickleball, but then again I’m ADHD and impulsive, so it doesn’t take much to get me into a sport.
2. Pickleball Exercise

Pickleball is a gentle exercise, which is the second reason why picklers find the sport so popular. It’s an entertaining, sociable way to work out and it costs you less per month than a gym membership. I prefer playing pickleball to workout because I get bored quickly, but this sport requires focus and coordination, which keeps my mind occupied.
Pickleball offers an easy to moderate workout for individuals keeping fit to survive, but it’s excellent for improving multiple areas of health. Cleveland Clinic suggests that frequent time on the court improves heart and lung health and muscle and bone strength.
If you’re looking to lose weight and despise running or walking, pickleball can shave off those calories. A study by USA Pickleball mentions that a 150 pound player can shed up to 250 calories in 30 minutes during a casual match. Picklers over 200 pounds might lose 335 calories in the same time. Just promise me you’ll lay off the sodas and a slice of cake after the match, because that’ll undo your hard work.
3. Social Connection Through Pickleball

Picture this, its a beautiful day and you are out playing a pickleball match with your closest buddies, and when the match finishes, you go for a meal and drinks. More the 16% of respondents aren’t envisioning they are doing it, and loving the social element of the sport.
The affordable and low-entry barrier into pickleball means anyone can play it, which exposes you to people from all walks of life. Individuals you wouldn’t meet at a country club might love pickleball, and you start making new friends.
Playing against random picklers is an excellent way to expand your network. You’ll have a blast competing on the court and then you’ll move the party to the bar and enjoy hours of uninterrupted conversation.
4. Pickleball For Mental Health
An Apple Heart And Movement Study discovered that core picklers are 60.1% less likely to get depressed than individuals who don’t play pickleball. Every game requires so much focus that you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself and think about all the negative aspects of your life.
When I walk off the pickleball court, my mind is clear and I am exhausted, but I have a smile on my face and I just enjoy the moment. The more time I spend couped up in my apartment and away from the court, the more time I have to think about the failures in my life, which onsets anxiety and depression.
Besides clearing your mind, the social element of pickleball makes you part of a community who you can call on in times of need. If you’re lonely and don’t know anyone in your town, go and join a pickleball club and make the effort to forge friendships, because then you less likely to feel alone, depressed, or anxious.
5. Playing For Competition

The majority of our community plays pickleball for its fun, sociable qualities, but there are always the die-hard competitors who show up to win. Just over 4% of the respondents said its the competition that fuels their love for the sport.
The majority of these individuals have played multiple sports previously and are looking to hone their pickleball scores. Winning a casual match on the weekend isn’t enough for these players, they want to win trophies and will do whatever it takes.
Since pickleball started booming we are seeing a migration from other sports that demand hand-eye coordination. Tennis players, golfers, and even hockey players have traded their disciplines for pickleball and are now set on dominating their new sport.
Read More: How Does Scoring Work In Pickleball
6. Pickleball Is Easy And Cheap
Pickleball is an easy game to learn and start playing, but it’s also dirt cheap to rent courts and purchase a pickleball set. Its low entry barrier is the main reason several golfing buddies switched to pickleball. However, only 3% of our community listed it as their reason for playing the racquet sport.
Although I suggest using the proper gear for maximum comfort and performance, you only need a paddle, a ball and court shoes. When you start, a standard t-shirt and shorts are fine, but I suggest adding to your wardrobe as you progress to start looking the part.
Court fees are also super affordable with public clubs charging $5 to $10 per person for an hour session. Those fees rise to around $30 for private clubs, but fees will vary depending on the location, facilities and court condition. If you’re not up for spending on court fees you can try a host of community center courts in your area.
7. All Of The Above Reasons
More than 14% our pickleball community stated that they think pickleball is so popular for the all the above reasons. These reasons included improving hand eye coordination and finding a life partner, but I left them out as they were the least popular reasons for the pickleball boom.
The feedback from the respondents show that there are multiple reasons why pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the USA. The responding picklers feel that the entertainment, health, socializing, competition and cheap entry barrier are all draw cards to the sport.
Verdict: Reasons Pickleball Is Growing
So, if you anyone asks you why is pickleball so popular, the answer is one word: fun. It’s an addictive sport that is affordable and easy for anyone to play. It creates camaraderie and competition for young, middle-aged and senior players.
Besides its entertainment value, playing pickleball is excellent exercise and improves your physical and mental well being. If you’d appreciate more insightful information from active picklers around the world, join our Pickleball Bits Facebook group.
Why Is Pickleball So Popular All Of A Sudden?
Pickleball has become popular as people look for a fun, affordable, and easy to play sport that is great for exercise. The sport has also received a boost in recent years from endorsements by celebrites like Selena Gomez, Will Ferrell, Billie Eilish, and Leonardo DiCaprio
What Started The Pickleball Craze?
The pickleball craze started after concentrated efforts by USAPA and the IFP to engage players and make it easier to access information. The associations got more television time for pickleball, which drove more interest in the game. Pickleball received an additional boost during Covid where people looked for outdoor sports to social distance.
What Cities Are Obssessed With Pickleball
Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta, are the three most pickleball obssessed cities per capita based on participants, courts, and web searches. The weather in Miami and Orlando allows picklers to play for most of the year, becoming a full-time sport for many Floridians rather than a means to pass time.
What Cities Have The Most Number Of Pickleball Courts Per Capita
Seattle has the most pickleball courts per capita, with 4.1 for every 20,000 residents, it makes sense that the home city of the sport is where it is still king. However, Seattle is closely followed in second by St. petersburg, Florida, with 3.9 courts per capita.
Read More: How Big Is A Pickleball Court