Luxe Pickleball Paddle Reviews: Finesse & Heart Touched, Smelt & Swung

Luxe pickleball paddle reviews: 1 black finesse paddle and 1 heart paddle next to a pickleball net.

The rapid expansion of pickleball has brought over 2800 pickleball paddles to market, making it challenging to find the right one for your game. That’s why we exist, giving you the insight to make better decisions. Last week, we conducted Luxe pickleball paddle reviews, where Mariia and Keegan put the Heart and Finesse paddles to the test.

Intermediate and advanced players will want to learn more about the premium Finesse paddle, which is more affordable than brands like Selkirk, Gearbox, and CRBN. Fashionable ladies who appreciate a touch of color should read on to discover the Luxe Ace Heart paddle.

Luxe Pickleball Paddle Reviews

Luxe Luxury Finesse Pickleball Paddle

Luxe pickleball paddle reviews: Finesse paddle with black carbon fiber face and brown grip.
Excellent controlMost expensive Luxe pickleball paddles
Outstanding forgiveness on toe hits
Grip is soft and cushy
Oustanding spin

The Luxe Luxury Finesse provided our trusted tester Keegan with excellent control, a cushy grip, and forgiveness on toe hits. A ping sound resonates on shots off the face and feels firmer than the Luxe Leisure or Ace paddles.

Keegan raved about the paddle thickness and carbon fiber surface, which he relished for its control and spin. He had no issues executing dinks and drop shots. Its forgiveness shone through on perimeter strikes, especially off the toe. The foam-filled edges expand the sweet spot which boosts power and ball speed to get the ball over the net on mishits.

Our man Keegan gave the Finesse his stamp of approval for its control, power, and forgiveness. It’s not the cheapest paddle on the market, nor should it be, as it produces an all-around performance for intermediate to experienced picklers. When you put it into context, it’s a premium performing pickleball paddle that costs half the price of high-end racquets from Selkirk, Joola, Gearbox, and Paddletek.

Luxe Ace Heart Pickleball Paddle

Luxe pickleball paddle review: Pink heart paddle with a brown grip leaning against a pickleball net.
Stylish, feminine designLess control than the Finesse paddle
Light and easy to swing
Soft grip

The Luxe Ace Heart pickleball paddle displays style and elegance and makes picklers like our very own Mariia feel like a champion on the court. The pink heart design grabs the attention and love of your opponents and teammates, but it’s more than the gorgeous looker that Mariia fell in love with.

Luxe applied a soft, squishy grip that fit ladies with small to medium-sized hands. Besides a comfortable feel, the grip increases traction for more control on every shot. The pickleball paddle is light and easy to swing, and its wide sweet spot overcomes off-center strikes to help get the ball over the net.

The acoustics also proved crisp off the textured surface, and the ball spun consistently. The Luxe Ace Heart is a far cry from the MTEN beginner paddle Mariia started playing, and she loved every detail of the paddle and has made it her official pickleball paddle. The Luxe Heart paddle is a midrange option for beginners to intermediate ladies. However, if you’re on a budget and love colorful paddles look at the brand’s Leisure range.

Comparative Breakdown: Luxe Finesse Paddle vs Heart Paddle

Luxe pickleball paddle reviews: blonde lady hitting an orange pickleball with the pink heart paddle.

Which Luxe Paddle Is Best For:

Advanced Players?

The Luxe Finesse paddle is the best for advanced picklers thanks to its all-around control, power, spin, and forgiveness. The grip is soft and cushy, providing a smooth feel and excellent traction to retain control of the paddle throughout your shot.

Intermediate Players?

The Luxe Finesse paddle suits intermediate players who play regularly and are serious about entering the ranks of an advanced pickler. The power and spin combination promotes versatility on the court, and the wider sweet spot gives you the comfort of forgiveness on perimeter strikes.

While I recommend the Luxe Finesse, I understand that the higher price tag is not for everyone, in which case think about a paddle in the Ace collection.


The Luxe Ace range offers 14 colorful, lightweight, and forgiving pickleball paddles that are easy to swing for beginners. However, Ace paddles carry a medium price point, and some beginners may prefer spending half the amount on a colorful Luxe Leisure paddle.

Players on a budget?

Picklers on a budget pair best with Luxe Leisure pickleball paddles, which are the most affordable paddles the brand makes. We have not tested any paddles in this range because we felt the Luxury and Ace paddles offered outstanding value for money, so we passed over the Leisure range.

Players prioritizing power?

The Luxe Finesse pickleball paddle was the most powerful during testing, ideal for players who prioritize power. Its carbon fiber face and expanded sweet spot made it easy to preserve power around the perimeter.

Players prioritizing control?

The thick core and carbon fiber surface made it easier to control shots and produce spin on dinks and drop shots. The control is further enhanced by the thick core and soft feel, which makes it easier to judge the power of softer shots.

What To Consider When Purchasing Luxe Pickleball Paddles

Skill Level:

  • Beginners: Look for a lightweight paddle with a large sweet spot for easy control, like the Luxe Ace pickleball paddles.
  • Intermediate: As your skills develop, you might consider a paddle with a balance of power and control. The Luxe Finesse paddle provides the ultimate balance of power, control, feel, and forgiveness.
  • Advanced: Advanced players may prefer paddles with more power and a smaller sweet spot for maximum control. The Luxe Finesse paddle is excellent for advanced players thanks to its power and spin. However, it does have a larger sweet spot than most advanced paddles, which every pickler can use.

Paddle Features:

  • Weight: Consider your swing style and whether you prioritize maneuverability or power. Ladies or senior picklers are better off with a lighter paddle like the Luxe heart paddles. Conversely, a heavier, firmer paddle like the Luxe Finesse is better for feel, spin, and control.
  • Core Material: The core material affects the weight, power, and feel of the paddle. Luxe turns to a honeycomb core in all their paddles to drown vibrations and soften the feel of each strike.
  • Paddle Surface: Luxe uses a textured surface on their Leisure and Ace range paddles to promote more spin. However, paddles in the luxury range have a carbon fiber surface to promote power and spin.
  • Grip size and shape: The standard grip circumference on Luxe pickleball paddles is 4.5″. The length of paddles in the flagship Luxury range measure 4.5″, while the Ace and Leisure paddles reach 4.82″.
  • Price: Luxe pickleball paddles range from $49.99 to $119.99. The Leisure range is the cheapest at $49.99 and consists of an abundance of fun, colorful and durable paddles. However, the premium Luxury range fetches $119.99 per pickleball paddle but they deliver power, control, spin, and forgiveness.

Verdict: Luxe Pickleball Paddles

Our Luxe pickleball paddle reviews revealed two quality paddles for different types of picklers, highlighting the versatility of the brand. The Luxe Heart paddle is super fashionable and ladies will love its comfortable grip and easy-to-swing design.

On the contrary, we have the Luxe Finesse paddle, which is the best paddle they make. It feels firm but offers the right balance between spin, power, and forgiveness. It excels for advanced players looking for an all-around performance, and it suits intermediates looking for a high-performing paddle without sacrificing forgiveness.

Despite its higher price tag, the Finesse pickleball paddle is priced far lower than premium designs from legacy brands like Selkirk, Joola, and CRBN. If you want a premium paddle at a mid-range price point, take a look at the Luxe Finesse paddle.

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